Saturday, March 24, 2007

New Beginnings

It is often said that the worst piece ever written by any author can be seen in a blank page. The key to good writing is writing first, and then writing well. Turn over a fresh page and chatter on a keyboard, scribble with a nib, or scratch away with a pencil. There should be nothing blank, nothing white, and nothing to suggest that words don’t belong there.

This sheet was blank, until what is above was written. Too often I’ve been confronted with the pristine whiteness, and each time I’ve turned away, unable to scratch out the cleanliness that was in front of me. A blank mind? It could be that. I’d like to think that it was the repetitive staleness that I kept harking back to. And often it ended with apologies about not blogging… in the end, there was no point to it.

Every once in a while, a fresh start is good, however. For every writer, there comes a point in time when the burdens of the previous page need not enforce itself on the next page. A clean break is good and a new perspective even better. Writing should not be a burden, least of all to those who don’t make a living out of it. And for certain, I will not make a living out of it. It may sound trite, but I never was a good writer. I had way too many thoughts and too many expletives to go with those thoughts. For those who know me, the two are never far apart when it comes to expression of opinion.

Who knows, maybe this is the blank page I needed. Time will tell, and I’ll let that be the judge of things.

“What I am to you is not real
What I am to you, you do not need
What I am to you is not what you mean to me
You give me miles and miles of mountains
And I'll ask for what I give to you”

1 comment:

Le conteur said...

=) Fresh start.. good one, too. Hope you write more often...